Sunday, September 8, 2013

jesus is a myth

"The idea of Christ is much older than Christianity."
George Santayana
"In matter of religion it is very easy to deceive a man,
and very hard to undeceive him"
Pierre Bayle
"The Trinitarian believes a virgin to be the mother of a son who is her maker."
Francis Bacon
One criticism of this book it that assumes that there are
only two options, each Jesus was a living man and God OR
that he never existed at all. A third view is that he existed
as simply a mortal man.  Many understand that Jesus is a
 myth and is neither a historical person nor a deity.
"I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not
find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature.
They are all alike founded on fables and mythology."
Thomas Jefferson 
"A truth is not hard to kill, and a lie well told is immortal."
Mark Twain
"Men of simple understanding, little inquisitive and
little instructed, make good Christians."
Michel de Montaigne
"I do not think Jesus Christ ever existed."
Napoleon Bonaparte







Ding, Ding, Ding:   Horus versus Jesus!




































Jefferson's 1820 Bible omitted all the miracles
and fairy tales, as well as the resurrection.



Some Christians say that if Jesus did not exist,
then I suppose Abraham Lincoln did not either.
 This is flawed in so many ways.
Your weak attempt is indicative of your lack of intellect.
The comparisons below (done by a Christian)
are riddled with errors and lies
(much like their religion):
 1. Abraham Lincoln and his life are a historical fact, not a myth.
(e.g. photos of him exist as do his writings)
2. Mithra, Horus and Dionysius were never referred to as "president."
3. Mithra, Horus, Dionysius and Jesus were from ancient times; at
least there myths are ancient. Lincoln lived in the nineteenth century.
4. The rest of the "facts" listed in this comparison are not accurate.
Abraham Lincoln has nearly nothing in common with the others.
Certainly superficial comparisons can be made for everyone.
The real similarities between Jesus and the others are undeniable.
For example (for starters), Lincoln was not born of a virgin
and was not resurrected or considered a god.
5. The poor effort could have been considerably better (I suppose),
if the person had used Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great
instead of relatively modern figure like Abraham Lincoln.
6. Essentially, substituting Lincoln for Jesus does not work at all.
7. One must remember that the creator of this picture also
believes that the Earth is 6,000 years old. I suppose the
Earth is flat and is the center of the universe also.
8. The truth hurts indeed. You have devoted your entire life
to a fantasy, the unoriginal myth of a jesus figure.  Robert Price: The Case Against the Case for Jesus  Hitchens on YouTube (The True Core Of The Jesus Myth )
Philo of Alexander
born 20 BCE
died 50 CE
Prolific Jewish writer and philosopher in ancient times.
He lived during Jesus' entire life, before and after.
Early Christians respected Philo and
he influenced Christian theology.
He never mentioned Jesus, not once.
(more than strange not to mention miracles,
zombies in the street and resurrection)

Eusebius was a liar and a fraud. He created
forged documents in order to place Jesus'
name in real historical documents.
He lied about the Constantine and Josephus
connection (or lack of) to Christianity and Jesus.
He also manufactured many relics supposedly linked
to Jesus. He was not the only forger of documents.
The Gospels  
*The Gospels are the principle source for the knowledge of Jesus Christ
(well at least a third of his life, the other two thirds he was MIA)
*They are full of contradictions, are nearly all plagiarized, and
were not written during Jesus's life (NO eyewitness testimony)
*They were supposedly written by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, but
this is just a guess. There have been countless changes and "editing."
*The Gospels themselves are not consistent with each other
(except where Matthew copies Mark).
*The Gospels are largely not historically accurate,
and written to appear as though they are older.
*Just like most of the Bible, they are plagiarized from earlier Jewish
texts, from the historian Josephus, from the Greeks (Homer),
from each other, or simply made up.
"The discrepancies are many and multiple, and at times concern issues so
fundamental that, at first glance, one might think that they spoke of totally
different events and personalities. It looks as if Jesus in Mark were not the same
person as Jesus in John: they speak differently, act differently, die differently."
Paul Winter
...not only do the four Gospels give us four very different and incompatible
Jesuses, they appear to do so quite deliberately. Historians don't take such
liberties with real people and events- but storytellers and mythmakers do.
So this is the state of the Gospels: four contradictory, convoluted and reworked
writings set down decades after the supposed events by unknown author
or authors falsely being passed off as eyewitnesses, and all primarily derived
from a single source, which as we'll see, appears to be entirely literary fiction."
David Fitzgerald
"Justin Martyr is the first Christian who clearly quotes from the Gospel
(though he does not even identify any of them by name, simply referring
to them as "the memoirs of the apostles") and this is not until the 150s!
To make matters worse, often his quotes don't match anything from our
Gospels! Worse still, even the writings of the early Church Fathers such
as Ignatius and Bishop Dionysius of Corinth themselves have been tampered
with, and most of these forgeries were not discovered until modern times."
David Fitzgerald
"...there is not single New Testament manuscript, original or copy, not even
a scrap, that can be dated to within the lifetime of any biblical character."
David Fitzgerald
"It's the texts from this early period that would give us an idea of how
reliably our New Testament came down to us from the originals. But we
have no old texts from the first 300-plus years of Christianity, only
thousands of the mass-produced copies that were produced centuries afterwards-
along with all of their mistakes, forged passages and deliberate alterations!
(And to make matters worse, Siniacticus and Vaticanus have different
content from each other- and from our modern Bibles!)
David Fitzgerald
The contradictions are even more glaring when Paul and Peter
and the 12 Disciples are included. Paul never refers to Jesus
as a real flesh and blood person, or to any of the supposed
events of his life. Just as with the writers of the Gospels
and Jesus, the 12 Disciples could very well simply be
symbolic in nature (i.e. they never existed in reality but
were mere fabricated icons). Whoever the writers of the
Gospels and New Testament were, they certainly produced
 literary constructions that were plagiarized parables.   Contradictions in the gospels

Shroud of Turin
A complete fraud (see Eusebius). It is a painting.
Reminds me of jesus images on potato chips.
The Vatican refuses to permit a scientific
examination of the cloth.

Was there a Jesus? Of course there was a Jesus – many!

The archetypal Jewish hero was Joshua (the successor of Moses) otherwise known as Yehoshua (Yeshua) bin Nun (‘Jesus of the fish’). Since the name Jesus (Yeshua or Yeshu in Hebrew, Iesous in Greek, source of the English spelling) originally was a title (meaning ‘saviour’, derived from ‘Yahweh Saves’) probably every band in the Jewish resistance had its own hero figure sporting this moniker, among others.
Josephus, the first century Jewish historian mentions no fewer than nineteen different Yeshuas/Jesii, about half of them contemporaries of the supposed Christ! In his Antiquities, of the twenty-eight high priests who held office from the reign of Herod the Great to the fall of the Temple, no fewer than four bore the name Jesus: Jesus ben Phiabi, Jesus ben Sec, Jesus ben Damneus and Jesus ben Gamaliel. Even Saint Paul makes reference to a rival magician, preaching ‘another Jesus’ (2 Corinthians 11,4). The surfeit of early Jesuses includes:
Too strange to be a coincidence!
According to the Biblical account, Pilate offered the Jews the release of just one prisoner and the cursed race chose Barabbas rather than gentle Jesus.

But hold on a minute: in the original text studied by Origen (and in some recent ones) the chosen criminal was Jesus Barabbas – and Bar Abba in Aramaic means ‘Son of the Father’!

Are we to believe that Pilate had a Jesus, Son of God and a Jesus, Son of the Father in his prison at the same time??!!

Perhaps the truth is that a single executed criminal helped flesh out the whole fantastic fable.
Gospel writers, in scrambling details, used the Aramaic Barabbas knowing that few Latin or Greek speakers would know its meaning.
Jesus ben Sirach. This Jesus was reputedly the author of the Book of Sirach (aka 'Ecclesiasticus, or the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach'), part of Old Testament Apocrypha. Ben Sirach, writing in Greek about 180 BC, brought together Jewish 'wisdom' and Homeric-style heroes.
Jesus ben Pandira. A wonder-worker during the reign of Alexander Jannaeus (106-79 BC), one of the most ruthless of the Maccabean kings. Imprudently, this Jesus launched into a career of end-time prophecy and agitation which upset the king. He met his own premature end-time by being hung on a tree – and on the eve of a Passover. Scholars have speculated this Jesus founded the Essene sect.
Jesus ben Ananias. Beginning in 62AD, this Jesus had caused disquiet in Jerusalem with a non-stop doom-laden mantra of ‘Woe to the city’. He prophesied rather vaguely:
"A voice from the east, a voice from the west, a voice from the four winds, a voice against Jerusalem and the holy house, a voice against the bridegrooms and the brides, and a voice against the whole people."
– Josephus, Wars 6.3.

Arrested and flogged by the Romans, Jesus ben Ananias was released as nothing more dangerous than a mad man. He died during the siege of Jerusalem from a rock hurled by a Roman catapult.
Jesus ben Saphat. In the insurrection of 68AD that wrought havoc in Galilee, this Jesus had led the rebels in Tiberias ("the leader of a seditious tumult of mariners and poor people" – Josephus, Life 12.66). When the city was about to fall to Vespasian’s legionaries he fled north to Tarichea on the Sea of Galilee.
Jesus ben Gamala. During 68/69 AD this Jesus was a leader of the ‘peace party’ in the civil war wrecking Judaea. From the walls of Jerusalem he had remonstrated with the besieging Idumeans (led by ‘James and John, sons of Susa’). It did him no good. When the Idumeans breached the walls he was put to death and his body thrown to the dogs and carrion birds.
Jesus ben Thebuth. A priest who, in the final capitulation of the upper city in 69AD, saved his own skin by surrendering the treasures of the Temple, which included two holy candlesticks, goblets of pure gold, sacred curtains and robes of the high priests. The booty figured prominently in the Triumph held for Vespasian and his son Titus.
But was there a crucified Jesus?
Certainly. Jesus ben Stada was a Judean agitator who gave the Romans a headache in the early years of the second century. He met his end in the town of Lydda (twenty five miles from Jerusalem) at the hands of a Roman crucifixion crew. And given the scale that Roman retribution could reach – at the height of the siege of Jerusalem the Romans were crucifying upwards of five hundred captives a day before the city walls – dead heroes called Jesus would (quite literally) have been thick on the ground. Not one merits a full-stop in the great universal history.

But then with so many Jesuses could there not have been a Jesus of Nazareth?
The problem for this notion is that absolutely nothing at all corroborates the sacred biography and yet this 'greatest story' is peppered with numerous anachronisms, contradictions and absurdities. For example, at the time that Joseph and the pregnant Mary are said to have gone off to Bethlehem for a supposed Roman census, Galilee (unlike Judaea) was not a Roman province and therefore ma and pa would have had no reason to make the journey. Even if Galilee had been imperial territory, history knows of no ‘universal census’ ordered by Augustus (nor any other emperor) – and Roman taxes were based on property ownership not on a head count. Then again, we now know that Nazareth did not exist before the second century.

Nazareth –
The Town that Theology Built

It is mentioned not at all in the Old Testament nor by Josephus, who waged war across the length and breadth of Galilee (a territory about the size of Greater London) and yet Josephus records the names of dozens of other towns. In fact most of the ‘Jesus-action’ takes place in towns of equally doubtful provenance, in hamlets so small only partisan Christians know of their existence (yet well attested pagan cities, with extant ruins, failed to make the Jesus itinerary).
What should alert us to wholesale fakery here is that practically all the events of Jesus’s supposed life appear in the lives of mythical figures of far more ancient origin. Whether we speak of miraculous birth, prodigious youth, miracles or wondrous healings – all such 'signs' had been ascribed to other gods, centuries before any Jewish holy man strolled about. Jesus’s supposed utterances and wisdom statements are equally common place, being variously drawn from Jewish scripture, neo-Platonic philosophy or commentaries made by Stoic and Cynic sages.

'The Jesus of the Gospels is an artificial creation, a collective work of art who evolved through the combined consciousness of two generations of Christian worship.'
– A. N. Wilson (Paul, p144)
No Evidence
''Whether Jesus ever actually existed has long been debated. The argument (very well documented) is that there is absolutely no corroborating evidence of his existence in documents other than highly suspect Christian sources.'
– Riane Eisler (The Chalice & the Blade, p122)   Caesar's Messiah Jesus A Roman Invention   Jesus myth history  Debunking the Jesus Myth  Timothy Freke (The Jesus Myth)   Real Proof that Jesus was NOT real  Andrew Seidel: The Greatest Story Ever Sold:
America's Judeo-Christian Heritage   Jesus Never Existed - Kenneth Humphreys
Why I Think Jesus Didn't Exist: A Historian Explains the Evidence That Changed His Mind
"Did Jesus Exist?" Skepticon 2 Redux Richard Carrier Was Jesus a Myth?  The great Jesus swindle  
THE EMPTY CROSS: WHY JESUS DIDN'T EXIST COMPLETE DVD: 7 parts  The God Who Wasn't There [Full Film]  funny vid, Jesus never existed

Hinduism, a much older religion than Christianity, also
has a "Holy Trinity." The gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
are the principle gods worshipped. They are the creator, the
preserver and the destroyer.


  1. The sheer obnoxiousness of this page baffles me, as does the lack of respect.
    Can you trust the Bible historically?
    Did Jesus Exist? (Part 1 of 4)
    Caesar's Messiah?
    Take the Zeitgeist Challenge! If you can prove with original texts what Zeitgeist so boldly claims, you can win $1000! Also on this website are great videos and links that thoroughly debunk the Zeitgeist movie.

    Your sources include a bunch of new age nutcases with an agenda of their own (with most of their info being wrong. Look it up for yourself), pointing out obvious fallacies in the ROMAN CATHOLIC religion. ROMAN CATHOLICISM is NOT BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY. Do you know what "Catholic" means? It means UNIVERSAL. It's the ROMAN UNIVERSAL religion. Meaning they took bits of everything to unite the fracturing empire, right? Where do you think they got the whole Jesus died for your sins on the cross thing? From what the Jewish disciples of Jesus were teaching people! All they did was add in the "queen of heaven" stuff from goddess worship (btw, the 'queen of heaven' is mentioned by name as an atrocity by God in the Bible! see Jeremiah 7:18) and the solar symbolism (where is the Celtic cross in the Bible? NOWHERE, where is the circular sun wafer? NOWHERE)

    All the true Christian symbols are right there in the Old Testament. Moses said that without blood there is no remission of sins. At the Passover feast, a lamb without blemish is slain and the blood covers the doorpost to protect the people inside from God's wrath. As Christians, we believe that Jesus' shed blood on the cross covers our sins, and protects us from God's ultimate wrath. That's why Jesus is called the Lamb of God. That's not a pagan concept. It's a Jewish one.

    You don't have to look any further than the Old Testament for where Christian symbolism comes from. You know why? Because Jesus WAS AN ISRAELITE AND CAME TO THE ISRAELITES.

    The "Trimurti" has nothing to do with the triune Godhead of the Bible. The God of the Bible is not "creator, preserver and destroyer", and He is not separate gods with separate bodies, either. The Biblical Trinity (called in the Bible the Godhead) is one God. Much like a person's soul, body and spirit are three parts of the same being, the Father, the Word (Jesus, also called the Son) and the Holy Spirit are three parts of the same God.

    Not to mention the fact that ancient Indian and Aryan Hindu texts do not mention the Trimurti at all. For example, the Trimurti is nowhere to be found in the oldest Hindu text, the Rig Veda.

    So please stop pointing to CATHOLIC nonsense and saying that Christianity is rooted in paganism. You can believe whatever you want, I can't force you to get saved, but the evidence points to the fact that you are wrong. Jesus is a historical person, and is not based on Mithra, Horus, or any other pagan god.

  2. Lol jezus is hail must have had a shitty childhood were they pisses you of so much you spend hours and hours fabricating all above photoshop crap. Why you hate religion so much? All that hate is not good. Find good and honest help for that.
    Bro the name jezus comes from another language than English.
    His parents were not greek and he did not get a greek name...more likely hebrew as in je-sjoe-a.
